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Calypso's Beach

Writer's picture: AquariusAquarius

Part X | Palm Island | Calypso's Beach | Tahiti


Praha - Prahar or Prahara is a Sanskrit term for a unit of time,

or subdivision of the day, approximately three hours long. [1]


Calypso scanned the horizon from her beach to see if any pirates were approaching. When she finally spotted the faint outline of ships and sails in the distance, she left the sandy beach to tell the others.

Calypso found the Merry Minstrel Alika tuning her accordion in a shady palm grove surrounded by tambourines, flutes, harmonicas, conga drums and bongo drums the pirates brought all the way from Havana. Allegria put out orange bottles of Golden Dragon Spiced Caribbean rum and large pints of Australian beer they hoped to sell for Spanish doubloons. Their cartographer Alastair was bent over his maps and Dakari who had set sail from East Africa was coordinating locales with maps of his own.

Dakari lifted his head in Calypso's direction with one finger still pointed at the map,

"Where did your mermaids acquire the Pink Pearl, Calypso?" Dakari was puzzled. "I set sail from Zanzibar nearly three years ago and have yet to encounter anyone with even the slightest bit of knowledge regarding this precious treasure."

Calypso set a large glass of spiced rum in front of Dakari and poured another for herself.

"I don't know what you're talking about Dakari. I have never heard of the Pink Pearl. The only pearls we found at sea were the white pearls we left with Charlotte near Palau and a small black pearl the mermaid said she found in a Queen Conch shell."

Dakari frowned a little. "Are you sure about that Calypso? Are you sure you haven't already handed the Pink Pearl off to the handsome Davy Jones and his crew? Where is that pirate ship anyway?"

The next morning, Dakari had already set his sails for the Barbary Coast. Calypso stood on the beach staring at the clock the Pirate Captain had given her for her passage north. The gold letters on the clock's face spelled P-R-A-H-A. Calypso set the clock aside and wondered if they would return.



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