The Enchanted Horse Contest©
"If you are not asleep, tell us a tale to break the waking night."
- 1,001 Arabian Nights
In "1,001 Arabian Nights", an enchanted horse, a magic carpet, and a lamp were all associated with "wish-fulfillment." To participate in the contest, familiarize yourself with the suggested literature and answer the questions below.
Indigofera tinctoria
The Questions
Try to answer the questions below by solving this riddle: Since carpets and horses CANNOT fly, how did the three princes' Magic Carpet and the Enchanted Horse in 1,001 Arabian Nights get their riders to their intended destination(s)?
[2] Was the storyteller's sister in 1,001 Arabian Nights a 17th Century Iranian carpet weaver who married a wealthy Persian horse merchant?
[3] Did this weaver weave a carpet comprised of the stories told in 1,001 Arabian Nights?
[1] Was the Magic Carpet in 1,001 Arabian Nights: The Prince Ahmad and the Fairy Pari Banu formerly on the back of an Arabian stallion?